
God can take what little we have to offer

& He can make it (& us) more than enough to make a difference for Him.

Check out John 6:9-13

Genesis 50:20

Working at:

it is all about faith blog

John 15:5 & John 6:9-13

God can take what little we have to offer & He can make it (& us) MORE than enough to make a difference for Him.

Also working at:


I’ve noticed when I feel completely foolish, in over my head, and way out of my comfort zone, I’m usually on the right track with this faith thing.

Kerri is a beloved daughter of The King. A few years ago she started praying for God to reveal what He wants her to do every day instead of making her own To-Do Lists.

He restored her confidence that had been stolen when she was a little girl. Who can give the gift of confidence (peace and joy?) Only One.

Between the ages of 9 and 49 Kerri learned a lot about abuse;

sexual, emotional, verbal, religious, and physical abuse.

God sees everything and nothing is wasted. Now she feels led to serve by helping others find a healthier way to live, also.

Sometimes you don’t choose your ministry. Sometimes your ministry chooses you.

Kerri feels God is calling her and her daughters to move to Alaska, from Texas, now waiting in faith in Washington, for God to open the doors to open and care for a homeless youth place He’s put on their hearts.

Check out the Alaska Homeless Teen Center Stuff page https://itisallaboutfaithblog.wordpress.com/alaska-homeless-teen-center-stuff/ to read more about this.

She feels called to help people find a safe place to stay for a while, help people find jobs that use their God-given talents, learn budgeting, celebrate people who may not have felt much reason to celebrate lately, and encouraging people in a closer relationship with Jesus.

Many people have told her God doesn’t lead people anymore. The God Who made every detail of every detail is surely able to guide people and pour out His plans as He chooses to into anyone He decides to.



For criticisms, encouragement, praises, or death threats, please contact me here:


Please note: If you feel moved to write, include your full name. It takes courage to share my writing with you. You take courage to share your writing with me. If you use bad language I won’t be able to take time to read it. Please be respectful. Please include the Subject.

Disclaimer: I am just me. I am just a child of God talking about stuff that is important to my life. The only thing I’m a professional at is being me.

There is nothing people can talk about that won’t offend somebody. Talking about “nothing” is bound to offend someone. Talking about God will offend someone, just as not talking about God will. You just have to have courage to write what He puts on your heart to write.

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Regarding your note there about not leaving your “full name”. Lots of people don’t like google and the sites picking up their full names. And so some do not share it except in a private email. Nothing is perfect, however, having some limitations helps .

    Nice site, you are correct, you can not write without offending “someone”.


  2. Hey Kerri, this is the guy from Burger King in Green River UT that gave you and your family those awesome slices of cantaloupe…I am leaving this note to let you know that I kept my word and checked out this site you passed along to me. I will keep you and your family in my prayers for a safe journey, an abundance of patience with this new experience, and for the teens in Alaska to have a safe place to learn all about GOD’s love. Please pass along this message to your daughter…no matter how difficult the day has become remember that “it’s ok to smile.” I said that to her before you ordered your food because she was looking rather down, Those 4 words I spoke returned 1) a smile from her and 2) an explanation about why she was not smiling which led her to telling me about the trip to Alaska. I think it is soooo awesome that your going to help the teens that need it. Money is super tight right now, but hopefully the bills will balance out in the next few weeks and allow me to make donations to your cause. Want to hear something cool? The last few weeks I have been talking to my pastor about wanting to do a missionary trip next summer to a nearby town that needs some help for a few days, it sure was a sign to meet you and your family and hear about all this when I have been feeling this urge lately to want to help out. Sent with the warmest regards, an abundance of prayer help, and some more cantaloupe if we ever cross path’s again in Green River Utah.


    • Aww! Hey Jeffrey. It’s a blessing to hear from you. Your kindness and sharing your delicious cantaloupe were much needed. Thank you for making a difference in our day. I know you are a noticer and I pray many lives are touched for God in the smile ministry you’ve got going on and whatever else God calls you to. Sometimes smiles are in short supply in this world and thanks for genuinely caring about people. You are making a difference.


  3. It certainly is courageous of you to speak and write about God, His son Jesus Christ, and how to live that more than abundant life spoken of by Jesus in John 10:10. It’s brave of you to be so open about your past. I’m thankful for God inspiring you to live for others online, and in your local area!


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