I keep trying to think of a title for this.

“Cookie Cutter People”

or maybe

“After God Created You He Broke the Mold”

But I’m not sure He made a “mold” for you. He formed you with His Hands. There is not another you anywhere in the world so… why would He need a mold or a cookie cutter when you’re the only you?

You are unique. You matter. He planned you. ON PURPOSE.

You are not a mistake. You are not an accident.

~~> You liked you until someone told you not to like you. <~~

When you look in the mirror and say, "I don't like my nose."

Talk about insulting an artist!!!

God, please forgive us when we complain about Your masterpieces.

Hey YOU, God is not finished with you yet
but I think He did a great job creating you and
I look forward to the rest of your life
and how He'll shine through you even for the rest of today.

(Note: Please do not send me hate mail about cosmetic surgery etc. I think you are beautiful and I'm not just talking about the outside of you.)